It may sound ridiculous to some but acupuncture truly saved me in a time in my life when I didn’t see any hope, I wondered if my life was always going to feel like it did. One night in September 2013, I was ripped from my sleep by an horrific and debilitating panic attack with uncontrollable tremors and palpitations that felt like my heart was trying to escape from my body. This continued to occur on a nightly basis and was one of the darkest times in my life.

Being a full time mum and having four children, I knew I had to do something, because I was struggling to hide how I was feeling from them. Thankfully my amazing Chiropractor recommended I tried five element acupuncture, I had never had acupuncture before but I was so low that I would try anything. Within three months of having regular weekly acupuncture, my panic attacks and anxiety was under control.

Acupuncture quite simply changed my life and that of my family, 18 months later I starting thinking, if it (acupuncture) could have such a positive impact on my life, how wonderful would it be to be able to help others. I have written a blog post in depth about this time if you want to find out more.

I graduated from The Acupuncture Academy in the summer of 2019 with a Professional Licentiate in Acupuncture. This is a three year degree level qualification accredited by the British Acupuncture Accreditation Board  I was also Highly Commended for my clinical work as an acupuncturist.

The training was extensive and covered all aspects of Chinese medicine and acupuncture theory, with the main focus on the five element approach.  This means that as your acupuncturist, I will consider your main health problem, together with using an holistic approach tailored you, as an individual.

As an acupuncturist, it is extremely important to me to be a member of the British Acupuncture Council and follow the Council’s Codes of Safe Practice and Professional conduct. British Acupuncture Council members are also registered with the Professional Standards Authority. This is a government body set up to regulate health and social care providers, and is accountable to Parliament.

As a professional acupuncturist, my acupuncture clinic is fully licensed by Stratford upon Avon District Council. I hold full medical malpractice and public/products liability insurance cover.

If you would like to know how acupuncture can help you, I would love to hear from you.

Please contact me by email to request a free 15 minute discovery call.

Thank you for reading.
